Your event deserves to shine! Let us put the polish on it. Check out our portable chairs for hire
It all started with a portable chair. We grew this business from one chair and a shine quartet- marketing to conventioneers and setting up service in their booths. The clients loved it! The experience of a shoeshine made for an easy conversation about the product our clients were selling. From there we’ve been hired by enumerable clients for portable shoeshine service all over the world.
Click on the picture to watch the video.
The Shoeshine Guild’s nationwide event service is just the thing! Staffed by travel-ready professionals and offering a fleet of elegant portable shoeshine chairs, we are guaranteed to bring the fun to your party, a touch of class to your show, or an irresistible attraction to your convention booth. From timely quotes to efficient set-up, our 25 years of industry experience insures seamless integration into your event.
Your customers will love it.
The Royal Albert Chair is compact and elegant.
measurements H-6’ x W-27” x D-32”