The Guild

  • Rachel Leamy

    Rachel has been shining since the spring of 1997, joining Kevin as operations partner in April 1999. Her experience and talents have been focused to build a company that would employ recovered alcoholics and bring out the best in everyone. She has enjoyed bringing her many creative abilities to the shine venue, from serenading customers with her ukulele and improvised songs, to leather art and custom color patinas. She is uncanny with leather color restoration, and takes great pleasure in learning new tricks and methodology to continually improve our services, from shine magic to customer relations. After the pandemic, when everyone decided to move on, Rachel took over as “last (wo)man standing,” and re-booted. If the shoe fits… let’s shine it!

  • Freddy Cook Jr.

    Freddy has been a shoeshine family favorite since November of 2006. He is a fun loving artisan who paints and plays guitar. He has a beautiful singing voice, always ready to get a rousing chorus going amongst friends. In the fall of 2007, Freddy took over operations at the Olympic Club shop. After shining there for as long as we provided services he joined te crew as a rock who has always been on a roll. After the pandemic, Freddy came back with all the generous spirit he’s always had keeping the 555 location afloat, and always offering a laugh, a great story and a beautiful shine.

  • Ronan Leamy

    Ronan literally grew up in the shoeshine shops. While his mom Rachel was running around building the business, shining shoes, coaching alkies with support to stay sober and keep on shining, Ronan would be toddling around in a stroller from shop to shop getting played with by all the shiners (thank you). Now helping out the family with the pandemic re-boot, Ronan can be found cracking jokes and talking about film projects and social interests while he puts the Leamy glow in the toe.

  • Doug Proulx

    The L and the X are silent, but Doug is not. Doug is sure to strike up a fun conversation with anyone in the chair. Doug has a long history of customer service, performance art in various medias, and many other creative endeavors. I think we will see Doug taking on more leadership roles, as he is picking up the art of shine wonderfully- a steady and dedicated shiner and all around great dude!

  • Solanum Proulx

    Solanum has been a great addition to the shine crew joining us in June of 2024. She does a solid shine, and is planning on a career in video game design. Ask her about her new idea, it sounds really fun!

  • Jack Fricker

    Jack has been a shoeshine family friend for his whole life. Rachel boasts that she was one of the first people to get to see him right after he was born. Jack is into music, gaming and honing his pool game. He is new to shining but dedicated and meticulous, his shines are sure to impress.

  • Izzy Wall

    Izzy joined the crew October 2024, bringing a creative and artistic eye. Izzy loves doing fingernail art painting, and other cool artsy things, so we’re planning to start her apprenticeship with dye/art/coloring soon. For now, we’re hoping to harness her social media skills to boost our online “foot”print!